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口永良部島 噴火 (Eruption of Kuchinoerabu island)

'Humbled by the greatness of nature'   自然には畏敬と謙虚さを



Two years ago , when I visited Kuchinoerabu island , elementary and junior high together school of land, it had been carried out study program called " Nankai gourd island " . This system is to recover for the body a little tone poor child, in a natural rich beautiful island from mainland. Dozen of the whole school students , include a few students ware from outside the island .

You 'll want to go back early in the second hometown . You may quickly return to the island by convergence. You told me the way to Yumugi area.




Island population is less than 140. And the 65 -year-old or older share 45%. The main industry is fishing, which consists of lobster and fine fish. there is the matter of remote island.

It will come typhoon and ash-fall. But they need to adjust fishing boats. They need to care of livestock and pets. And they have to do house maintenance from insects such as termites, in subtropical regions.

Nevertheless elder guys island,they have to do that. I hope that they'll comeback on the island.But reconsutraction is not easy task.

Famous lobster is delicious , known a lot of hidden hot springs. Children are playing with fish diving into the sea, and easily to have the hot springs after swimming in the sea.



This video was shot by a student of Kuchinoerabujima - Kanagadake elementary and junior high school.

You can return quickly as soon as possible,I hope so.

口永良部島 Kchinoerabu Island 2013.09.06~07

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