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口永良部島 Kuchinoerabu Island                                    2013.09.06~07




Volcanic island in the Yakushima west 12km, Kuchinoerabu Island. Here also part of Yakushima Island National Park , is by area there is a place that can not be development . The island was a gourd type circumference of about 38km, east-west 12km, north-south 5km. To the west of the island,there are Mt.Furudake and Mt.Shindake.

These volcanos are amounting smoke now . and then volcanos bring one of the most hidden springs in Japan , 4 large hot spring exist .









A population of about 140 people . Elderly(age 65 or over) nearly half of those . The main industry in the fishery , such as lobster and fine fish , and a problem of distribution because of the remote island , not on the market only those high prices .

On the island, there is a school that Kindake elementary and junior high schools , about 15 students whole school . 

" Nankai gourd school " has been actively engaged in the nature study program, Island people are accepting that childrens grow stretch of the weak child of the body in main land, among the beautiful nature in the island .







This video is intended when snorkeling in Miura beach underwater hot springs by Nishinoyu-hot springs.

Around immediately island underwater hot springs have sprung up everywhere , transparency is low, but so many fishes we can see.

3 Turtles have lived in Miura beach, they has become the idol of the local children . Transparency in the sea that are without hot spring is high. People to snorkeling , diving come doing tailoring the boat from Kagoshima and Yakushima oversea. Diving finished and landing to have hot spring is the way of Kuchinoerabu style.

Unfortunately , it is regrettable that there are no transport links and youngman enough to run a dive shop on the island .



Under the slide show is when I went around the island in the moped bike . Four hot spring, Honson - Yumugi - Nemachi-Nishinoyu are hidden springs that atmosphere of rustic . Round road much light car to go around Mt.Shindake barely pass by most sub-tropical jungle . Since it becomes a form around Mt.Shindake close altitude 700m, up down violently , or block a fern the way , or come jumping deer .




YuMuko is a large settlement in the second on the island . But it does live about only 10 people. Here is the stage hot spring hut with a stunning  for men and for women hot water . Yubana(Crystal of sulfur component) floating bath tab with mild sulfur spring is the hidden spring hut. Also I feel the flavor of hot spring components are stuck in faucet . In addition , Yumugi, because it is located in the northeast of the island , has been tentatively developed as a port of refuge . Divers after a dive , you come to come alongside the boat to go to the hot springs .


寝 待温泉は島の北。湯治小屋とその管理人しか住んでいないひなびた場所です。湯向よりも硫黄臭が強烈で、お湯は少し沁みるほど強烈で酸っぱいです。土地の人 はここが一番効くと言っているお湯ですが、あまりに人気がなさすぎるので、自分はマイルドで趣のある湯向の温泉が好きです。


西 の湯は潮の満ち引きでお湯の量が変わります。ですので、自分が言った時は給湯も排水にも栓がしてありました。湯温が高いので、自分で開栓・閉栓してから湯 を湯船に満たします。湯温調整の水も自分で汲みます。湯が貯まるまで30分ほど。その間は先ほどの美浦海岸でシュノーケリングです。運よく島の人がいたら 湯船が美ったされているかもしれません。夜に勇気があれば、本村集落から徒歩10分の真っ暗な峠越えでたどり着けます。


本 村温泉は島が新しく作った温泉小屋で、島の人々の夕方のコミュニティエリアです。新築・男女別、ただし、源泉から遠いらしく、他の温泉に比べると硫黄臭も 成分も今一つです。定休日あり、早朝・深夜はクローズと島民の生活に合わせた運営です。早朝・深夜、どうしても温泉に入りたければ西の湯へどうぞ。


30th MAY 2015 口永良部島噴火  Eraption of Kuchinoerabu-Island 30th MAY 2015


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